Site LogoRecallsMe

Helping Everyone To Be Informed, Aware And Safe

Everyday Consumptions
Everyday Consumptions
All of us consume a variety of products on a daily basis. Which of these products has been recalled? Which are unsafe? How do you determine your risk?
RecallsMe consolidates all recalls and provides timely notifications to you based on your profile settings. The consolidated database of recalls is also accessible for historical data analysis.
Caring for Children and Elderly
Caring for Children and Elderly
Children and elederly have the highest risk. Having timely notifications of recalled medicines and food is critical and necessary in our society where profits take precedence over consumer well being and safety. How do you counter these risks with minimal investments of time and money?
RecallsMe allows you to specify keywords and only alerts you when a product you use is recalled. RecallsMe immediately alerts you about the latest recalls. The alert information provides you with a link to relevant details and assists you to assess severity and urgency.
Second Hand Market Place
Second Hand Market Place
Many recalled products are found on second hand marketplace. How do you protect yourself from purchasing a product which will be unsafe? (it is illegal to knowingly sell recalled products)
RecallsMe database has over 80,000 recalled products. You can search any of these products using keywords to determine if any were recalled. RecallsMe facilitates checking a product for recall prior to purchase.
Vehicle Safety
Vehicle Safety
How safe are your vehicles? Do you regularly check the government (NHTSA) website for a recall against your vehicles? Did you check before purchasing a second hand vehicle?
Register your vehicles with RecallsMe. All of your vehicles will be regularly and automatically checked every month and at every announced vehicle recalls to see if your registered vehicle is impacted. You will be alerted immediately to take action should your vehicle be included.
Digital Products
Digital Products
Digital Products do not have the same regulatory requirements as the standard consumer and food products. How do you assess your risk with digital products?
RecallsMe monitors digital products for security vulnerability, privacy breaches and malwares. RecallsMe alerts you with details on potential product issues.
Foreign Products
Foreign Products
The oversight provided by US regulators and laws are not there on many of the imported consumer products. How do you assess your risk with these products? How are you informed?
RecallsMe facilitates capturing and sharing product concerns from consumers. You are invited and encouraged to participate and share your products ratings with other fellow RecallsMe users. Leveraging aggregate consumer consumption powers can help in addressing concerns with suppliers and manufacturers.

Get Started

Want to list recent product recalls on your website?

Get the Recent Recalls Widget.

List recent recalls based on a prespecified category or search terms. You customize the widget to your specific needs. (ContactUs if you need assistance in integrating with your website) The widget provides your users with a list of recently announced recalled products. Users can review a summary for each item in the list and if desired get the full details from RecallsMe website by simply clicking on the recall link. The widget helps you attract more users to your website and helps spread the awareness about recalled products.

ContactUs for details