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View Personal Alerts, Monthly Recalls Or Search

Government agencies monitor and initiate product recalls on a daily basis, but it can be difficult to keep up with the latest information.

This is why RecallsMe provides you with a personal dashboard to help you easily search and view details on any recall from our complete repository of recalls (since 1973 - 105K+ recalls), or receive personal alerts based on your configured preferences.

Especially for families with children or elderly members, timely notifications of recalled medicines and food can be critical to protect their health and safety. With RecallsMe, you can configure your personal preferences for vehicles to be monitored and/or keywords to be tracked and use the buttons below to explicitly trigger recall checks.

You can choose to display the key recalls information for quick glancing using Table/List options, or get the complete details with pictures using the Slides option. Use the History tab to view monthly recalls, Search tab to select alerts based on entered keywords, or My Alerts tab to view your own personal notifications.
You also have the option to disable or enable listings for a specific agency by checking or unchecking filter options.

With RecallsMe, you can stay informed about product recalls with minimal investment of time and money, giving you peace of mind and protecting your loved ones.


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Jul    2024

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