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Learn About Recalls

What is a Recall?

A product recall is a request from a manufacturer to return a product after the discovery of safety issues or product defects that might endanger the consumer or put the maker/seller at risk of legal action. The recall is an effort to limit ruination of the corporate image and limit liability for corporate negligence, which can cause significant legal costs. It can be difficult, if not impossible, to determine how costly can be distributed to the consumer a product that could endanger someone's life and the economic loss resulting from unwanted publicity. Recalls are costly. Costs include having to handle the recalled product, replacing it and possibly being held financially responsible for the consequences of the recalled product.

Where can I find a list of all recent recalls?

Unfortunately, currently there is no single federal regulatory agency website where you can find a listing of all recent recalls or search for any historical recalls.
Luckily you've come to the the right place!
Only RecallsMe has aggregated recalls from all government agencies and consolidated into a single repository for you to list and search recent or any historical recalls. Further, RecallsMe allows you to register your vehicles and product keywords(food/meds) to auto-detect and inform you about recalls which might impact your well being.

Who can initiate a recall?

A country's consumer protection laws will have specific requirements in regard to product recalls. Such regulations may include how much of the cost the maker will have to bear, situations in which a recall is compulsory (usually because the risk is big enough), or penalties for failure to recall. The firm may also initiate a recall voluntarily, perhaps subject to the same regulations as if the recall were compulsory or initiated by a regulatory agency. Consumers can be instrumental in a product recall. Consumers can express their discontent with a product by filing a complaint with federal regulatory agencies. However, more than a few consumer filings may be needed to put a recall in motion.

Do all countries initiate a product recall?

Not all countries have the same level of safety standards and enforcement. Every country has their own regulatory agencies for setting safety standards and ensuring compliance. The level of enforcement is dependent on budget, priorities and country's policies.

How promptly do manufacturers initiate a voluntary recall?

Product recalls are very expensive and detrimental to the manufacturer's brand. A manufacturer will try their level best to denounce any suggestions for a product recall. Manufacturers may employ tactics to delay product recalls to reduce loss and avoid adverse publicity.

What to do if I have a recalled product?

If you have a recalled product, follow these steps:
  1. Review the recall notices and make sure your product is the one affected. Ensure you have the same model of product or the same manufacturer batch number.
  2. Follow the manufacturer's instructions, as explained in the notice.
  3. If instructions aren't included in the notice, or if you have more questions, contact the manufacturer by phone or visit their web site.

What do I do if I consumed a recalled product?

If you have consumed a recalled product, don't panic and follow these steps:
  1. Most food recalls are not associated with a food illness outbreak or cause severe harm to consumers. Recalls are generally issued for preventive measures.
  2. Don't eat the food.
  3. Don't open the food.
  4. Check the recall notice to find more details on adverse effects of consuming the product.
  5. Monitor and see if you experience the listed adverse effects.
  6. Contact your health practitioner.
  7. Be mindful about how you dispose of the recalled food. Pets, plants and animals can be affected by how you dispose of the food.

What food tends to be recalled?

All types of food are recalled. Certain brands and certain foods are recalled more frequently than others. Sample of recalled foods:
  • Breaded chicken products.
  • Chicken fried rice products.
  • Ready-to-eat pork and beef gravy products.
  • Ground beef products.
  • Canned beef products.
  • Fresh romaine lettuce.
  • Strawberries.
  • Cut and sliced fruits.
  • Onions

When is a drug or a medicine recall announced?

A medicine recall occurs when a prescription or over-the-counter medicine is removed from the market because it is found to be either defective, potentially harmful or deadly. Sometimes, the makers of the drug will discover a problem with their drug and voluntarily recall it or the FDA will request that the medicine be recalled after receiving reports of problems from the public and further investigations were found to be harmful to patients.

Why are drugs recalled?

A number of factors can cause a drug to be recalled. A recall may be issued if a medicine is:
  1. A health hazard
  2. Mislabeled or packaged poorly
  3. Potentially contaminated
  4. Not represent what the package says
  5. Poorly manufactured (quality, purity, and potency not as expected)

What popular drugs have been recalled?

Here are seven most popular drugs that were recalled and eventually pulled from the market altogether:
  • Bromfenac (Duract)
  • Isotretinoin (Accutane)
  • Levamisole (Ergamisol)
  • Pemoline (Cylert)
  • Rofecoxib (Vioxx)
  • Sibutramine (Meridia)
  • Terfenadine (Seldane)

How do I know if my medication is recalled?

To find out which medication and which lot numbers were affected by a recall, read the official recall announcement either on the manufacturer's website, on the FDA's website or here on RecallsMe website. Next, you'll want to see if your medicine belongs to any of the recalled lots. If you find your medicine is included in the recall, consult your Doctor and follow his/her instructions. Do not stop taking your prescribed medicine without consulting your health care practitioner.
If you do not want to rely on the media or the medication manufacturer, you can use the RecallsMe's recall alert service to get yourself a notification whenever your medication is recalled. (You can also setup similar checks for your vitamins, baby products, appliances, etc to keep you alerted when they are recalled).

What are the categories of medical device recalls?

Three categories of Medical Device Recalls are:
  • Class I: A situation where there is a reasonable chance that a product will cause serious health problems or death.
  • Class II: A situation where a product may cause a temporary or reversible health problem or where there is a slight chance that it will cause serious health problems or death.
  • Class III: A situation where a product is not likely to cause any health problem or injury.
Once classified, the FDA monitors the recall to ensure that the recall strategy has been effective. Only after the FDA is assured that a product no longer violates the law and no longer presents a health hazard, does the FDA terminate the recall.

What happens during a vehicle recall?

Whenever the manufacturer of your vehicle issues a recall, you are likely to receive a notice of it in the USPS mail. It's usually a note outlining the problem and urging you to have it fixed at a dealer (for free). However, this can only happen if the manufacturer has your contact information.

How do I find out or check if my car is on a recall list?

If you have time, visit your vehicle's manufacturer web site or the NHTSA web site and check for your vehicle recalls. You may need to visit as frequently as the vehicle recalls are announced to be confident your vehicle is safe! You can also listen for newscasts on recalls or wait for the manufacturer to contact you by mail.
Instead of relying on the manufacturer or the media, you should take control yourself and be proactive, you can delegate your frequent vehicle recall checks to RecallsMe. The RecallsMe web site will check all past historical recalls when you initially register your vehicles(s) and automatically against every announced vehicle recall. With RecallsMe you get an instant notification for your vehicle recalls and for all types of consumer product recalls. RecallsMe not only saves you time but keeps you confident that your vehicle as well as the product you consume are safe.

What should I do if my car is recalled?

Contact your dealer as soon as possible. Every recall is serious, so it's important that you contact an authorized dealer of your vehicle manufacturer.

Is it illegal to sell a car with an outstanding recall?

It can be an offense to sell a car which has an outstanding safety recall although not all recalls are related to safety. In cases where there may be a non-safety related manufacturer recall, it is best, if you are aware of it, to draw it to the customers attention so they are fully informed prior to sale.
Alternatively, consumers can check the NHTSA web site or the RecallsMe web site for all past historical recalls.

How long do I have to take advantage of a recall?

The statute of limitations, according to NHTSA, for all no-charge recall repairs is 10 years from the original sale date of the vehicle. However, one exception is tires. Tire recall repairs must be completed within 60 days of receiving a recall notice.

Do I have to be the original owner for a recall?

Regardless of whether you are the original owner or not, you still qualify for any recalls, including those that have occurred before you bought the car. The statute of limitations for all no-charge recalls is 10 years from the original sale date of the vehicle.

Do dealerships have to fix recalls before selling?

Both dealerships and private sellers are allowed to sell used cars with open recalls. They are not obligated to have the cars fixed themselves, but this is not an issue because the car's new owner would be able to get the repairs for free. However, it is illegal for a dealership to sell a new car with an open recall. Many times, sellers may not inform the buyer about outstanding recalls.
As a purchaser you can check the NHTSA website or the RecallsMe web site for all past historical recalls.

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