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How To Use RecallsMe


RecallsMe aspires to bring product safety awareness to all consumers by aggregating recalls from various government agencies and normalizing the data. RecallsMe users can:

  • List monthly recalls
  • Search recalls
  • Check recalls for a specific vehicle
  • Check recalls for a specific product
  • Receive real-time notification whenever a new recall is announced
  • Perform recalls data analysis
  • Request custom solutions and reports

RecallsMe offers plans and services to consumers, institutions and suppliers.

NOTE: Plans for Institutions and Suppliers are in beta testing currently and offered by invitation only. (Please contact us if you want to get involved or learn more about our offerings).

Get Started

First you will need to choose among the offered plans. See the PRICING page for details.


You do not require a SIGN UP or SIGN IN to access site anonymously. The site automatically generates an identifier based on your machine and browser. As long as this identifier remains uniquely assigned to you, you can use it to save personal preferences and perform recalls searches. However, the feature set available to Anonymous User is very limited and due to lack of registered email, your access will not support any real-time notification alerts. A possibility may also exist for the identifier to be shared by another RecallsMe anonymous user and your preferences will no longer be private nor guaranteed to be persisted. We recommend you SIGN UP/SIGN IN if you wish to retain your private settings.


Click on the GET STARTED and follow the instructions for Persistent Access. You must Sign Up and Sign In prior to subscribing to a plan.

To ensure delivery of emails from RecallsMe to your inbox folder, please add [email protected] to your email address book and monitor your spam folders.

  • You will need an email address(id) and a password to get started.
  • Clicking on the Sign Up button will redirect you in a separate browser tab to Kripa Authentication Web Application requesting you to enter your username or id, email address, password(s), name and telephone number.
  • Upon a successful submission, the process will email you to your specified email address for verification.
  • The browser will display: 'Sign Up - Check you Inbox for a verification email. Send Email again' You can rerequest an email if you don't see a verification email within few minutes.
  • Please confirm by opening your email (subject: Account Confirmation) and clicking on the link within your email to verify your Sign Up request.
  • Once a verify link is clicked, you will be redirected to Kripa Auth My Applications Dashboard.
  • Return to your original browser tab where the GET STARTED page is displayed and continue with the remaining steps.

NOTE: Please do not tag emails received from RecallsMe as 'spam' to place it in your spam folder. These flags RecallsMe as spammer and causes other recipients' very critical email notifications to be placed in a spam folder as well. If you do not wish to receive any emails from RecallsMe, you can simply opt out by unchecking the delivery options on the MY ACCOUNT page. On the page, under the Preferences section, 'Choose Notification Options' and uncheck the options for 'Instant Email' and 'Email Digest'.

We respect your privacy. The collected information is only used to offer the RecallsMe service. None of your information is shared with any 3rd party.


After a successful Sign Up, you can Sign In from GET STARTED page or from the MY ACCOUNT page.

  • From GET STARTED page, click on the MY ACCOUNT button to be navigated to MY ACCOUNT page.
  • From MY ACCOUNT page, click on the Sign In button to initiate authentication processing.
  • You may need to enter your username and password to sign in on the Kripa Auth Application.
  • After a successful sign in, the MY ACCOUNT page will be refreshed in place and you should see your account details.
  • You can once again return back to GET STARTED page and continue with the remaining steps.


Follow the steps outlined in the GET STARTED page to setup a subscription plan. Without a subscription plan, you are assigned a default plan(aka 'None') which has only a limited set of features.

RecallsMe offers different subscription plans for people with different needs.

You may subscribe to selected plan immediately after your first Sign In or at later time. You can change or cancell your plan anytime.

  • Sign In if you have't already.
  • Review the Pricing page to compare plans.
  • Select a plan and click on the SUBSCRIBE button
  • You will be redirected to Team Application. This application facilitates Account and Team management.
  • Please Sign In into Team Application.
  • Review your current subscriptions and add or amend your subscription by selecting appropriate Application and Plan.
  • Enter an Invite Code if you have one.
  • Submit a subscribe request.
  • Your newly subscribed plan will be listed next to Application.
  • If you happen to have subscribed to multiple plans, your most recent subscription will be effective at beginning of next billing cycle.


Follow the steps outlined in the GET STARTED page to setup subscription payment. Payment setup is only required when subscribing to a paid plan. Subscription is billed on post usage and billed monthly.

  • Sign In if you have't already.
  • Click on the PAYMENT button to navigate to Team Application.
  • Please Sign In into Team Application.
  • Review and verify your current subscriptions.
  • Click on the PAYMENTS navigation tab.
  • Enter your payments information and click SETUP PAYMENT.

Exploring The Site


This web page lists five most recent recalls from each government agency. It gives you a quick information about very recent recalls and associated consumer impact.


This web page outlines the services offered by RecallsMe. The site offers services to consumers, institutions and suppliers. While the consumer offerings are feature complete, we are selectively beta testing features and services for institutions and suppliers. If you don't find the service or information you need, please contact us for details or customizations.


This web page lists subscription plans, associated features and plan prices. Subscription plan can be changed or cancelled at anytime.


This web page helps you get started with using RecallsMe. Initially, you can access the website as an anonymous user to experience the benefits of the services offered. Sign Up and subscribe to a plan for better experience and persisting your preferences.


This web page is your personal dashboard. It provides you with tools to explore all recalls. You can traverse through all recalls month-by-month, search recalls based on keywords or review all of your personalized recall alerts.


This is a common page across many services offered by Kripa, Inc. It lists your account details including all of your subscriptions and permissions.

This web page on each website facilitates user personalizations. On the RecallsMe website you can specify:

  • Recall categories for which you want to receive alerts
  • How you want to receive your alerts and at what frequency
  • Register your vehicles & product names for automated checks whenever a new recall is announced

~~~ For further assistance with using RecallsMe, please review the topics listed below. ~~~

How To Install RecallsMe As PWA On Your Device

RecallsMe is a browser accessible web application. It can be used from a desktop, laptop, tablet or mobile device.

You do not need to download it as an application from the Android App Store or iOS App Store.

RecallsMe is a progressive web application (PWA). Irrespective of your device, it will intelligently display the site content and make the best use of your device to give you the most impressive user experience.

It can :

  • Automatically update itself whenever the web application has been updated.
  • It can provide instant recall notifications as they are announced by government agency (web notifications).
  • Allow you to access recalls data even if you are not connected to the Internet.

We strongly recommend you install RecallsMe on your mobile device and keep aware and informed about the latest recalls.

See: How To Install RecallsMe As PWA On Your Device

How To List & Filter Recalls

Are you interested in knowing what are the recently announced recall campaigns? Current recalls for vehicles, recalls for child car seats, recalls for food, recalls for medicine, recalls for pet foods and recalls for consumer products?

Did you just miss the breaking news on a new recall? Do you want to know what recalls were announced yesterday? Or what recalls were announced in past months?

We have you covered. We have the full list of the latest recalls that has been announced. You can list and view any recalls which were ever announced. You can also filter recalls by various categories and time periods to narrow down your listing.

See: How To List & Filter Recalls

How To Search Recalls

Are you about to purchase a previously owned vehicle? Are you about to purchase a used appliance? Are you concerned about recalls on your baby food? Are you worried about your medicine being recalled or the manufacturer's reputation for recalls of products you normally consume?

We have you covered. We have the most comprehensive database of every announced recall. You can search these databases for a quick peace of mind knowing whether a product of interest was ever recalled.

We make it simple to determine if a product was ever recalled.

See: How To Search For Any Recalls

How To Specify What Recall Alerts To Receive

Are you overwhelmed with all the recalls announcements? Are you losing track of what was recalled yesterday and the day before? Are you concerned about baby food recalls but not much for the pet food? Do you want to be alerted about every announced recalls or would you prefer some selectivity?

There are numerous recalls announced every day. Some may be very critical while others may not be as relevant.

We have you covered. You can now choose among categories of recalls for your notifications.

RecallsMe offers options to selectively specify which type of recalls are critical and deserve a real-time alert notification versus which recalls can be ignored.

See: How To Specify What Recall Alerts To Receive

How To Specify Recalls Alert Delivery Options

Are you interested in receiving an immediate notification when a recall is announced? Or do you prefer an email with a list of recalls you can review at your leisure? Would you rather receive a recall notification from your mobile text messaging or WhatsApp? We understand different people have different needs on how they want to be informed about recently announced recalls.

We have you covered. We support a variety of ways of notifying you about newly announced recalls. We currently support:

  • A web based push notification
  • An immediate email notification
  • An end of day daily digest email of recalls
  • SMS messages (planned)
  • WhatsApp messages (planned)
See: How To Specify Recalls Alert Delivery Options

How To Register & Check Vehicles For Recalls

Do you know if your vehicle has been recalled? How many times have you checked if your vehicle was recalled? Did you check for a recall before purchasing your used vehicle? How do you know if your vehicle's tires are recalled?

Did you know many vehicle owners didn't do the free recalled repairs because they are not aware about the recall?

We have you covered. Don't be the one who neglects to do a free recalled vehicle repair.

We offer real-time notifications for recalled vehicles. You just need to register your vehicle's make and model and let RecallsMe do the boring but timely task of checking every announced vehicle recall to see if your vehicle was included.

See: How To Register & Check Vehicles For Recalls

How To Register and Check Products For Recalls

Do you know if your medicine has been recalled? How do you track if your appliances have been recalled? Is it important for you to know if your baby's food, clothes or toys were recalled? Are you keeping informed about various pet food recalls?

Hundreds of products are used and consumed daily. How do you keep yourself informed about recalled products?

We have you covered. Don't rely on the product manufacturers for your safety.

We offer real-time notifications for all recalled products. Register your most critical products, medicines, frequently used brands and let RecallsMe do the boring but timely task of checking every announced recall to see if your product was included.

See: How To Register and Check Products For Recalls

Have Questions, Comments or Suggestions?

We like to know them. Contact us using the link below. We'll try our best to assist you or provide references where you'll be able to find answers to your questions.