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Frequently Asked Questions

What is RecallsMe?

RecallsMe is a web service providing information on all type of product recalls.
RecallsMe web service lists all past and present recalls and keeps you Informed, Aware and Safe from consuming or using bad recalled products.
RecallsMe web service notifies subscribers in real-time of any product recalls initiated by a government agency, product vendors and RecallsMe web service user community.

Why RecallsMe?

All of us consume a variety of products on a daily basis. Which of these products have been recalled? Which are unsafe? How do you determine your risk?

RecallsMe consolidates recalls from various government agencies and facilitates real time notifications to subscribing consumers.
Our services are unique and unmatched by any other organization, including government agencies. We are the only platform that aggregates recalls from every government agency, providing consumers with easy access to information.

RecallsMe makes it easy to be informed about bad consumer products impacting your well-being.
The service also provides solutions for institutions, retailers and vendors to help them become more informed and aware of current recalls which may impact their operations.

Who is RecallsMe for?

RecallsMe is for anyone who consumes products. Especially for guardians of children and elderly who are very vulnerable.

What products RecallsMe monitors and notifies?

RecallsMe monitors and notifies about recalled products from following government agencies:
  • Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC): Non perishable products - Electronics, House Goods, etc.,
  • U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) : Cars, Motorcycles, Motor Homes, Recreational Vehicles, Tires, Boats, Vehicle Equipment and Child Safety Seats.
  • U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA): Food, Cosmetics, Drugs, Medical Devices, Biologics and Animal & Veterinary Products
  • USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) : Meat, Poultry and Eggs Products
RecallsMe also notifies about following products which are deemed to be re-callable by RecallsMe web service community (not available yet):
  • Digital Products
  • Local Products

When RecallsMe sends notifications?

RecallsMe sends notifications when a recall is announced (near real time) and at an end of day. Subscribers can specify monitoring options to determine when and how they want to receive RecallsMe notifications.

How do I subscribe to RecallsMe web service?

Sign Up and subscribe with an email address at

How much does it cost to use RecallsMe?

Free options as well as paid subscription options are available for using RecallsMe. Details are listed on the Pricing Page.
The subscription costs are intentionally kept low to accommodate as many consumers as possible while providing necessary funding to keep improving and supporting the valuable service to our consumers.

How can I cancel my subscription?

You can cancel your subscription at any time. You can visit the website to do an online cancellation or you can send us your cancellation request by email. Upon email receipt we will promptly cancel your subscription.

Is there a free trial?

Yes. RecallsMe provides you with a free trial.
You can experience the most of the consumer features offered by RecallsMe without registration. For a full featured expereince, we recommend you Sign Up for the service, set up your profile according to your needs and immediately start receiving notifications. No credit card or payments are required for the trials.

Can I get a refund?

ReacallsMe web service bills post usage. There are no refunds available for the used service.

How do I Sign Up

Visit and click on the GET STARTED web page and follow the instructions. IMPORTANT: To ensure email delivery to your inbox folder, please add [email protected] to your email address book. You will need an email address(id) and a password to sign up for the service. The Sign Up process will email you to your specified email address for verification. Please confirm by opening your email and clicking on the link within your email to verify. Once the verify link is clicked, you will be directed to a dashboard page for all services offered by Kripa, Inc.

How do I Sign In

Visit and click on the MY ACCOUNT navigation option. This will display pertinent information for your account and facilitate access to SIGN IN. The Sign In process redirects you to a web form to enter your email address and password you used for Sign Up. After entering your correct email address and password, the Sign In process will complete and redirect you back to the site. This single Sign In is valid for all services offered by Kripa, Inc.

How do I Sign Out

Visit and click on the MY ACCOUNT navigation option. Click on the Sign Out button. The Sign Out will disconnect you from all services offered by Kripa, Inc.

How can I filter my recall alerts?

You can filter recall alerts on the MY ACCOUNT page.
RecallsMe provides options to personalize your recall alerts. You can set/unset categories that are of interest as well as generically exclude certain set of recalls.
After Sign In, click on MY ACCOUNT to visit your personalize settings section. In the Preferences section you'll find options to set categories, choose notification options, register vehicles and register products of interests. See the How To page for more details.

How can I monitor my vehicle recalls?

After Sign In, click on MY ACCOUNT to visit your personalize settings section. In the Preferences section you'll find options to register vehicles.
Use the 'Check Vehicles' button on the MY RECALLS page to do an instant historical recalls check. Afterwards, RecallsMe will do an automatic vehicle check on your behalf every time any vehicle is recalled. This automatic check will cross-check against the announced recall and alert you if your vehicle is subject to recall. See the How To page for more details.

What is products monitoring?

After Sign In, click on MY ACCOUNT to visit your personalize settings section. In the Preferences section you'll find options to register products of interests.
Products monitoring allows you to specify any words (product, manufacturer, medicine, allergens, etc., ) and RecallsMe will monitor on your behalf for recalls matching those words.
Use the 'Check Products' button on the MY RECALLS page to do an instant historical recalls check. Afterwards, RecallsMe will do an automatic products check on your behalf every time any product is recalled. This automatic check will cross-check against the announced recall and alert you if your specified product is matched. See the How To page for more details.

What should I do if my vehicle or product is recalled?

You should review the recall details for instructions or suggested remedy and steps to be followed for corrective measure. Depending on the type and severity of recall, we suggest you seek advice from a professional and/or the recalling vendor. You should stop using or consuming the product only if the recall explicitly advises. For recalled medicines, do not stop taking your medicine without consulting your health practitioner.

How can I search historical recalls?

Use the included search option on MY RECALLS page. You can type any keywords to search against all past recalls. See the How To page for more details

Can I request a new feature?

Yes. You are certainly encouraged and welcome to make a feature request. We will do our best to accommodate your requests. Please email us with your feature request, a description and how it'll help you to be informed, aware and safe. We also provide monetary rewards if your feature request is accepted.

How can I initiate a RecallsMe community recall?

The RecallsMe feature to initiate a community recalls is not available yet. Please email us with a request, and we'll inform you as soon as the feature is released.

When will RecallsMe support digital products recalls?

RecallsMe is working with industry partners to bring you recalls related to digital products. Please email us with a request, and we'll inform you as soon as the feature is released.

Your question not addressed?

Reach out and contact us with your question and/or concern. Use the Contact Us link in the footer below to email us and we'll promptly provide an answer.