Only subset of recent recalls are listed on the site HOME page and RECENT page. They may not be the most recent. To access the most recent recalls, SIGN UP and access your own customizable MY RECALLS page with access to all the latest and historical recalls.
RecallsMe is not endorsed by nor affiliated with any federal, state or local government agencies.
Accuracy of Recall Data
The Recall Data is provided by various government agencies or product suppliers. Agencies and suppliers are fully responsible for data accuracy.
Timeliness of Recalls
Recalls are announced and managed by the local, state and federal agencies. These agencies govern when to identify and initiate a recall.
Service Availability
RecallsMe attempts and has put in place industry standard operational practices to provide reliable service. There may be occasions when the service is disrupted due to incidents beyond its control. In the event of prolonged outages, visit the https://recalls.me/ web site for announcements.