Site LogoRecallsMe

How To Install RecallsMe As PWA On Your Device

RecallsMe is a website and it is also a Progressive Web Application(PWA). It can be used from a desktop, laptop, tablet or mobile device. You do not need to download it as an application from the Android App Store or iOS App Store. Only a browser is required - Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Safari, Opera, Brave and DuckDuckGo. PWA respects your privacy. It can automatically update itself whenever the web application has been updated, allows for offline usage when you don't have an internet connection or when it is spotty and provides you with web notifications whenever recalls are announced.

No User Input Required
No Tools Required


1. Use your preferred browser

Use your preferred browser to visit RecallsMe web site:

2. Chrome on Mobile - Part #1

At your very 1st access to, you'll get a prompt in your browser as follows: 'Add RecallsMe to Home screen'. Please click on the actual text message to add it to your home screen as a thumbnail icon. This will give you a confirmation pop-up. If you don't get a prompt, you can click on the triple dots(browser menu) and select 'Install app' option.

3. Chrome on Mobile - Part #2

The confirmation pop-up will display: Install app. RecallsMe Icon. 'RecallsMe - Product Recall Alerts' Cancel/Install. Click on the 'Install' to confirm. It'll briefly display a message 'Installing RecallsMe'.

4. Chrome on Mobile - Part #3

Now, if you traverse out of your browser, you'll still have an access to RecallsMe directly from your mobile's dashboard. Look for an icon with RecallsMe logo(Red Octogon with a white letter X) on your screen's dashboard. Also, to remove the icon from dashboard, press and hold the icon as you normally do to dispose in a trashcan.

5. Chrome on Desktop/Laptop - Part #1

After your very 1st access to, in the browser at end of the URL entry field, you should see a computer monitor icon with an arrow pointing down (Download icon). Click on this icon to receive a confirmation pop-up. If you don't see the icon in the URL entry field, you can click on the triple dots(browser menu) and select 'Install RecallsMe - Product Recall Alerts' option.

6. Chrome on Desktop/Laptop - Part #2

The confirmation pop-up will display: Install app. RecallsMe Icon. 'RecallsMe - Product Recall Alerts' Cancel/Install. Click on the 'Install' to confirm. It'll create a new minimal browser window with RecallsMe website preloaded.

7. Chrome on Desktop/Laptop - Part #3

At same time as creating a minimal browser window, the browser also adds an entry in your application menu 'Chrome Apps'. Use this menu item to direclty access the pre-bookmarked web application. You will not need to remember the URL or search for it.